REPLY, 1988!

Awalnya ragu nonton drama ini, Reply 1988. Setting cerita di tahun 1988-1994. Tiap eps hampir 2 jam! Tapi penasaran karena review-nya bagus dan memecahkan rekor rating tv cable di Korea, bikin demam retro muncul lagi dan semua cast-nya langsung jadi superstar.
Kalo maunya nonton romcom, jangan nonton ini sih. Ini drama tentang kehidupan 5 sahabat dan keluarga working-class di Seoul. Lucu tapi bikin haru. So relatable in many ways.

Kisah cintanya bikin sensasi karena kita harus nebak dari 4 tokoh utama cowok, siapa yg akhirnya nikah sama tokoh utama ceweknya. Baru ketauan di eps 19 aja gitu. Agak bikin kzl sih.

Akhirnyaaaa selesai 20 eps dicicil tiap wiken dan banyak scene bikin mata bengkak krn nangis terharu.

Udah lama ga mewek lebay karena nonton drama. Tengah malem sesenggukan sampe wisnu kaget. Sampe kantor dikira abis berantem šŸ˜…

Drama ini bikin kangen orang tua, kangen masa kecil, kangen sahabat. A darn good watch indeed! šŸ’–

#dramareview ini dipersembahkan oleh macetnya Tanjung Barat šŸ˜†
Saking macetnya sampe bisa nge-blog šŸ˜

View on Path

Seoul, revisited (Part 1).

Never in my mind i have a thought to visit Seoul or South Korea more than once in a year. No matter how much i love travelling, visiting the same place twice or three times would be a luxury. However, my wildest dream came true! After my trip to South Korea last year in March, i always had this urge to come back there. After months of browsing and comparing flight tickets, i and few girlfriends bought tickets to enjoy an early spring in Seoul. I remember clearly it was in September 2014. WeĀ (6 of us)Ā plan to Ā visit Seoul in late March 2015. Then, the universe conspired to send me back to this one place i cherish. 2014 was not even over yet, Alhamdulilah.Ā It was in November,Ā I got to go back to Seoul and Busan this time. Hoorayyyy!!!

My Busan trip will be told in a separate post, but i think i owe a post about some places in Seoul that i haven’t had a chance to tell in my previous posts. My second visit to Seoul was with my office colleagues, and my third was with two close friends. I was saidĀ to have a better understanding of Seoul since they thought i’m a Hallyu fans and i was in Seoul before. Well, the latter is spot on, but to have a better understanding of Seoul, i’m not really sure on that one :)) However, i took my responsibility proudly and happily. I made itineraries for both trip, set up the budget, made reservations for guesthouse, trains, and even the airport transfer. I have to say, i did a quite good job.

Since the participants of each trip were all Seoul-newbies, I got to visit exact sameĀ places in both trip. Here are some : Gyeongbokgung, Namsan Tower, Myeongdong, and Dongdaemun, Insadong, Hongdae, Itaewon, and Jamsil area. Some are already told in previous posts, now let me tell you about some other places :


This is a tourist magnet, especially after a huge fame of My Love From The Star, a Korean Drama airing a year ago. Namsan tower was more than a shooting place of the drama, it was part of the story. Tourists and fans of the drama come here to re-enact the sweetness of the scenes. There is an area in Namsan Tower where we can put padlock with our name and the loved one’s written on it. Namsan Tower screams out love and romance with pink glitters all over. The Tower stands tall on the Namsan Hill, so if we climb up the highest level of the Tower, we pretty much can see the whole Seoul. It was breathtaking at night.

Namsan Tower can be reached by various means of transport. Please check this out. I myself went there by getting to Myeongdong first, and walked a bit to the cable car station, then took the cable car to Namsan Tower. it was a nice view while walking up and taking the cable car ride.

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The tree of padlocks!


High on love!




One of the thing i love about Seoul is how in the massive concrete jungle, we still can find traditional buildings and temples. There are several palaces and temples located in Seoul. The biggest and the grandest of all is definetely Gyeongbok-Gung. It’s a must-visit and also easy to reach since it’s located right in the heart of Seoul. Ā You can readĀ more details about the royal palace right hereĀ and hereĀ to find out how to get there. I have been here three times, and still didn’t cover the whole palace because it’s so vast and might take half day just to go thru every corners of it. There are also some cool places to visit around the palace, such as Korean History Museum, Gwanghamun Square, and Children Museum.


Palace Guard. What's with the angry face all the time, dude? :)

Palace Guard. What’s with the sad face all the time, oppa? šŸ˜‰






Itaewon is an area in Seoul where many foreigners and expatriates choose to reside. That explains the amount of foreign restaurants and bars in this area. Itaewon made it to the itinerary because there was a recommended Halal Korean Restaurant and the biggestĀ mosque in Seoul happens to beĀ located in Itaewon. During my visit last year, we went twice to Itaewon, once was for friday pray and the secondĀ one was a return visit to the delish kebab restaurant there.



I finally visited Hongdae on my third trip to Seoul. I and my girlfriends even chose to stay in the neighborhood during our trip last March. Ā Hongdae is where Hongik University, one of the best schools in South Korea, located. No wonder, this area is so alive and vibrant. Restaurans, Coffee shops, bars and cute shops selling cute stuff are what we can find here. Street musicians perform on weekend nights. Some of the best korean delicacies i ate on the trips, i found them in Hongdae. I’d be back!


Chicken galbi with cheese, how i miss you!


My travelling buddies, both preggers!


A happy Seoul-addict šŸ™‚

DSC04211I just gotta split the post into two parts because writing inspirations don’t come easy, but writing about Seoul never bore me. There will be more places to be revisited in the next post, ’till then..annyeong!

[K-Drama Review] Healer



Soooo..this is new. I have never written a review before, let alone on a Korean Drama. Howeverrrr..this is an exception. I feel that my withdrawal on this one is so hard to do. I’ve been rewatching it for the umpteenth time now. It’s crazy!

Healer was broadcasted almost 4 months ago and finished airing in February. I downloaded it after it aired for fiveĀ  episodes but i kept them on my phone for almost 2 months.

When i started watching it, i was like, what? How come i didn’t watch it right away? I got hooked instantly.

Healer is a code name for a night-errand man who gets paid for doing anything that doesn’t include killing. He claims to be the best in his job and fully supported by an ahjumma who specializes in hacking all wired computers and cameras. Healer is played by forever-dashing Ji Chan Wook šŸ˜
The leading lady is Chae Young Shin,played by Park Min Young. Her character is an online tabloid reporter who thinks she’s got it but she’s actually pretty clueless šŸ˜
The other main lead is Yoo Ji Tae as Kim Moon Ho, a star reporter who holds a dark secret and is related to both Healer and Young Shin.

Healer is action-packed drama, with a super sweet romance, and a warmhearted bromance. I’d say that this is an entertainment at its best. I get blown away by how the writer creates characters with layers, we get to watch them revealed in each episodes. Every episode just gets better and not dragged away.

The three main leads also do one heck of a job here. I have not seen any drama or movie by Yoo Ji Tae, but i’m a fan now. No wonder he gets so many praises in his previous projects. Ms. Park is also a brilliant actress, i can never imagine another actress asĀ Chae Young Shin other than her. About Ji Chang Wook, well..let’s just say my phone is full of his pics by now šŸ˜…šŸ™ˆ

Healer will stand firm on my top five Kdrama lists. It’s so damn good.
Now, anyone can heal the withdrawal syndrome?

Mari kita ke Jeju!

[This is a super late post]

Pulau Jeju. Search aja di gugel, maka keluarlah ribuan hasil tentang Jeju. Gambar-gambar yang ciamik dan review menarik soal tempat ini. Jeju adalah salah satu provinsi di Korea Selatan yang terdiri dari beberapa pulau. Letaknya ada di bagian selatan dari semenanjung Korea dan untuk sampe ke sana ada beberapa alternatif, by plane atau menyebrang dengan kapal Ferry dari beberapa pelabuhan, salah satunya dari Busan.

Penasaran dengan Jeju, akhirnya saya dan Wisnu memutuskan untuk mampir ke Jeju. Karena waktunya yg padat, kita cuma punya 1 hari untuk keliling Jeju. Saya beli tiket pesawat ke Jeju lewat website Eastar Jet dan dapat harga 90.000 won per orang PP. Lumayan lah.

Kita memilih flight jam 7.15 dari Gimpo Airport dan tiba di Jeju pukul 08.00. Sebulan sebelum berangkat saya sudah cari info tentang rental mobil+supir untuk mengantar kita keliling Jeju dalam sehari. Lewat Trip Advisor, berjodohlah kita dengan Mr. Park yang akhirnya bersedia mengantarkan kita selama 10 jam jalan-jalan keliling Jeju, dengan biaya 190.000 won. Untuk kontaknya, akan saya update lagi ya, karena emailnya mendadak lenyap dari inbox.

Setiba di Jeju Int’l Airport, Mr. Park sudah standby dengan sign board nama saya. Mr. Park ini ramah dan bahasa Inggrisnya tergolong lumayan banget, jadi komunikasi kita ngga ribet. Mobil yang kita pake waktu itu sedan, semacam taksi lokal dan ternyata memang umum di Jeju kalo taksi bisa disewa turis secara pribadi. Alasan kita memilih rental mobil karena waktu yang sempit dan untuk bisa pergi ke beberapa tempat sekaligus pasti lebih efisien.

Tujuan pertama kita adalah Manjang Lava Cave. Itinerary kita dalam sehari ini juga atas saran dari Mr. Park supaya efektif dalam 10 jam bisa ke beberapa tempat.

Manjang Lava Cave ini adalah gua bawah tanah yang merupakan salah satu gua hasil bentukan alam karena proses aktivitas vulkanik. Walaupun merupakan monumen alami namun gua ini tergolong tourists-friendly dan aman untuk dikunjungi.

IMG_8286IMG_8388Kita berdua sempat masuk keĀ ujung gua dimana turis masih diperbolehkan untuk masuk, tapi karena gelap dan penerangannya sangat minim, foto-foto di dalam hasilnya kurang maksimal. kurang lebih 45 menit kami ada di tempat ini, sebelum kita meluncur ke tujuan selanjutnya, Seongsan Ilchulbong.

Seongsan Ilchulbong atau dikenal sebagai Sunrise Peak adalah struktur tebing alami yg muncul akibat ledakan vulkanik ribuan tahun yang lalu. Tempat ini dikenal sebagai salah tujuan wisata paling favorit di Jeju karena pemandangannya yang memukau.

IMG_8570IMG_8529IMG_8535Jika mau berjalan menanjak sekitar 30 menit, kita bisa mencapai puncak dari Seongsan Ilchulbong dan pemandangan laut yang lebih spektakuler akan terlihat. Namun hari itu karena temperatur sepertinya lebih dingin daripada hari sebelumnya, kami hanya sampai di kaki tebing lalu kembali ke mobil.IMG_8549 IMG_8588

Setelah mampir makan siang di salah satu restoran seafood, tujuan selanjutnya adalah Seopjikoji.

Seopjikoji dikenal turis karena sering dijadikan lokasi syuting film Korea maupun dramanya. Pada saat musim semi, tempat ini lebih cantik karena memiliki ladang bunga canola yang fotogenic banget kalo difoto.

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Setelah dari sini, kami hanya punya sisa waktu sekitar Ā 3 jam karena harus kembali mengejar pesawat ke Seoul di jam 9 malam. Mr. Park menyarankan untuk mampir ke Trick Art Museum dan air terjun yang kebetulan akan dilewati menuju ke bandara.

Ternyata saran dari Mr. Park oke juga! we had fun at the museum dan sempat melihat sunset di Jeongbang Falls.

IMG_8972Ā Ā IMG_9015 IMG_9043 IMG_9109IMG_9170IMG_9267IMG_9592IMG_9284Sekitar jam 6 sore, jalan-jalan di Jeju harus diakhiri. *Sniff* Rasanya ngga cukup hanya sehari, dan memang untuk mengeksplor Jeju disarankan untuk stay minimal 4 hari! Jeju punya banyak sekali tempat tujuan yang masih harus dikunjungi.

Mr. Park mengantarkan kami kembali ke Bandara dan tepat pukul 9 kami pun terbang ke Gimpo Airport di Seoul.Ā Gamsahamnida, Mr, Park!


Trust me, Jeju jauuuuuh lebih cantik dari foto-foto di atas, when you see it for yourself, you’ll be amazed.

I’d be back, Jeju! Next time, I’ll be staying longer.






6 bulan! yasalammmm… *sapu-sapu blog*

Sawrryy…i’ve been going thru some personal matters which need super extra care so i didn’t have much time for this blog.

How’s life? Dalam 6 bulan, saya pindah kerja dan pergi ke Korea 2 kali! So much fun.

Bahkan postingan Seoul trip yang pertama belum selesai deh, udah ditambahin harus nulis tambahan trip ke Busan? (harus banget ya?)

Segini dulu aja yah. I’ll tell you later. First thing first, Jeju trip should be finished and published.


Seoul Trip (Part 2) : Nami Island, Namdaemun, & Myeongdong

What’s so special about this place anyway? what makes peopleĀ tourists flock there?

Aside from the winter sonata thingy..well..

Entrance gate to the ferry

Entrance gate to the ferry

The super legendary bench!

The super legendary bench!

Happy like a kid on her birthday party..

Happy like a kid on her birthday party..

Nami Island, leaving winter behind..

Nami Island, leaving winter behind..

Teddy's is surely famous around here..

Teddy’s is surely famous around here..

There’s something warm about this place, although that day was particularly cold. Maybe it was me, happiness sorta brings warmth, right?

We arrived at lunch time. The subway ride took almost 2 hours, and we had to take a cab to the get to the ferry. There are actually few alternatives to get to Nami Island, please check this out. What to do in Nami? We just walked and walked, enjoyed the cool air, took (tons of) pictures, and stopped by for a glass of hot green tea latte. A good day Ā indeed.

'till we meet again, Nami!

’till we meet again, Namiseom!

Around 4 pm, we left Namiseom by Ferry, took another cab to the subway station and headed back to Seoul.

Next on the itinerary were Namdaemun Market and Myeongdong. wallet was about to cry.

Buy now, regret some other time!

Buy now, regret some other time!

Namdaemun, from fur coat to leather boots.

Namdaemun, from fur coat to leather boots.

Welcome to Myeongdong, the place of everything hip and shiny

Welcome to Myeongdong, the place of everything hip and shiny

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One thing about Myeongdong, the area is basically a mother ship of all Korean branded cosmetics, so treat yourself while you’re there. The cosmetics’ original price were pretty much cheaper than in Jakarta, for instance.

We called it a day at around 10pm. Beaten and (a bit) broke.

The next day would be our Jeju Trip, wait up!

Seoul Trip (Part 1)

My interest (more like an obsession, actually šŸ˜…) in many things KoreanĀ  has made me dream of really visiting South Korea. So, one day I asked le hubby if he’d go with me to Seoul. It was not on the first attempt of asking that he said yes. Long story short,we finally booked our flight on early March. Why March? Because I didn’t want to go in Winter and we got a bargain price for regular carrier,Ā  Malaysia Airlines.

The process of applying for Visa was hassle-free, within a few weeks I got the hotel and an ambitious itinerary ready. We were going to stay for 4 days in Seoul and 1 day in Jeju-do.

2 days before the D-day, MH370 tragedy happened. We freaked out a lil bit, not because we were afraid that something similar might happen again, but we’re worried our flight got cancelled. Thankfully, everything went okay. We took off from Jakarta on Monday evening and arrived in Incheon Int’l Airport on Tuesday Morning (we stopped by in KLIA for 2 hrs). Annyeong,Seoul!

I almost could not believe thatĀ  I finally stepped my feet on Korean soil.Ā  I was so ecstatic and nervous..norak yaaa :))))

We took the airport bus to our hotel, GS hotel in Jongno district. We decided to stay at this hotel after reading some great reviews on Trip Advisor. It took 1 hour from the airport to Jongno District in Seoul. We took off the bus and walked a bit to get to the GS hotel.

The hotel was small and hidden in an alley, but the room was nice and clean. It had a bathroom filled with complete amenities, even face cream and hair mask! We were even allowed to check in very early that day. Value for money, indeed.

That day we planned to go to Gwanghamun Square, Gyeongbokgung Palace, and just roam around Bukchon Village, or if possible visit another palace, Changdeokgung.

It was a cold afternoon, spring had not really sprung and winter’s coolness still lingered. We walked from the hotel to Gwanghamun square instead of taking subway. I was so happy to breath in Seoul’s air. Call me weird, but even the air tasted different. The trees were leaveless, but they didn’t look unpretty at all. Ah, I was like a girl in love.

We didn’t get to visit Gyeongbokgung Palace (closed on Tuesday) & Bukchon VillageĀ  that day, we didn’t even go to any traditional village for the whole trip. So sad.

Anyeong, Seoul!

Anyeong, Seoul!

Gyeongbokgung. Closed on tuesday.  Research much, ha?

Gyeongbokgung. Closed on tuesday. Research much, ha?

Could you tell how happy I was?

Could you tell how happy I was?

Oh so grand.

Oh so grand.

Strolling down Seoul's street

Strolling down Seoul’s street

The Secret Garden at Changdeokgung. Misteriously pretty.

The Secret Garden at Changdeokgung. Misteriously pretty.

Idunnothename..but it was on the way to Dongdaemun.

Idunnothename..but it was on the way to Dongdaemun.

Dongdaemun, ready to serve you 'till dawn!

Dongdaemun, ready to serve you ’till dawn!

Since Gyeongbokgung was closed that day, we ended up strolling down the city streets to Changdeokgung. This is also one of many palaces situated inĀ Seoul. We planned to catch to English-guided tour of the famous secret garden. Secret Garden is part of Changdeokgung, a very large park with ponds and smaller palaces inside.

We spent the entire afternoon in the palace and had lunch in a small coffee shop near Changdeokgung. One thing I love about Seoul is the coffee shop. It has lots of coffee shops, and cute interiors just add the loveliness of those places.

At night, we went to Doota in Dongdaemun, just for the sake of curiosity. Doota is a fashion district in Dongdaemun, open for almost 24 hours. Talking about passion for Korean fashion, you’ll be amazed here. We just had dinner at Coffee Bean and went back to hotel. Two sleepy heads just could not take it anymore. :))

#SofiaKamila is Two!

A year ago seems like yesterday. My baby daughter is already T-W-O! She’s a bubbly baby who brightens up any room she walks into.

Sofia Kamila, you know I love you endlessly right? I pray for your health and happiness, I wish all the stars and the glitters shining your way always.



So..i’ve been obssesed in love with all things Korean. My first crack was actually started by something remotely Korean, Meteor Garden Series (it was a Taiwanese TV Series) back in 2000. I started to watch many drama series made in northern part of Asia since then, but nothing hooked me like Korean Dramas. It was Winter Sonata, continued with Autumn in My Heart, and there was Full House starring Rain & Song Hye Kyo. Boom, I was falling hard.

I can not describe which part of the Korean Drama that got me so deep. The unique story lines? beautiful casts? lovely wardrobes? maybe all of ’em, although some dramas were excruciatingly painful to watch because of the story-dragging parts but I always come back for more. Always.

There were some periods of time that I didn’t watch any dramas at all, but before too long I got back in the game. Hahaha, talking about this feels like unleashing a part of me that I’m always hesitant to show. Not many people know how watching dramas has been a way to keep my sanity intact. :)))

I love how easy the access to watch the dramas these days. Countless of streaming websites, even some of them provide downloadable version of the series. I love world wide web!

From the dramas, along came my attraction to other things Korean : music and cultures. The dramas do not only serve one purpose which is to entertain, but they have become a perfect introduction to Hallyu or Korean Wave. Not only I know the actors and actresses, I watch and download their dramas, I listen to their music and I even begin to love their bibimbap.

I have one desire to speak the language, but what I lack is the time and the effort. But, maybe 2 years from now I’d be able to post something here in hangul.Ā  Who knows rite?

If you ask me what dramas to watch, I’d probably have hard time to answer, because there are soooo many of them. I haven’t watched all of them but I know some great series that stay forever in my heart. (I’m that emo when it comes to dramas, I know)

Here are some that I’d love to watch in any rainy days, you know when you need to feel good.. šŸ™‚

when it comes to music, I don’t really fancy the K-Pop stars like Super Junior or Girls Generation, not that they’re not good, but I honestly think that if people only assume that Korean music scene are nothing more than boybands & girlbands, then people miss out a lot. Korean music are so amazingly various in terms of genres and styles.

I listen CNBlue (ha!) , Acoustic Collabo, Ra.D, Akdong Musician, Davichi and solo singer like Lyn, Juniel, Roy Kim and even the singer/actress IU.

After years of obsession love, I finally got to step my feet on south korean soil last March. Boy, i was beyond excited. Gonna tell you about it all on my upcoming posts. ’till then, annyeong!